Sunday, January 07, 2007

Off on mission

Airport sign
Originally uploaded by frida world.

Well, enough lounging about here in Herat. Assuming the weather cooperates I'm off to Ghor province tomorrow, back on Thursday.

I'm taking with me the supplies for the orphans - it is really cold up in Ghor and it is also one of the most neglected provinces in the country. Lengthy drought has devastated the economy and the harsh winters are long. People up there are really living it tough.

Nothing makes me feel lucky for everything in my life like a trip to Ghor. Just landing safely in the airstrip is enough to make me feel lucky, actually (did you notice the plane corpse lying just behind the airport welcome sign?).

Anyway, I'll miss visiting your blogs for laughter, beauty and warmth these next few days, but your comments are always very welcome. I can look forward to reading them when I get back!


Lacithecat said...


Have a lovely trip. Wish I was a fly on the wall and could join along for the ride.

Enjoy the adventure and seeing the children happy and warm in their new and much needed clothes.

You are doing some amazing things!

Alessandra Cave said...

Have a safe trip, Frida. What you're doing is absolutely amazing. Make sure you record the smile on all the kids faces when they receive your warm gifts! x

Regina said...

Safe travels and I'll be waiting to hear all about your trip!

Anonymous said...

Good luck and safe keeping on your trip! I'm looking forward to reading all about it when you return!

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Safe wishes to you, Frida.

Zohra said...

Hey lady...have a safe and successful mission.

Being in the provinces, you are seeing the real Afghanistan. The little world that is Kabul is so isolated from the rest of the country. I really need to get out more. Take care and look me up if you come to Kabul anytime soon...

Anonymous said...

Safar Bakhair!

Anonymous said...

Great Blog!

I have lived and worked in Kabul for about 4 years. I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep it coming and please visit my blog as well. Cheers.

jojomonkey said...

What they said!
Be safe my Munty and keep it up with the positivity. I love reading that you're happy and that you feel like you are achieving something because lord knows you are!
With you all the way.

Laini Taylor said...

Oh, those little plains are torture. I took one commercial flight in Vietnam 10 years ago on this little weenie of a plane. And I kid you not -- midway through the flight the stewardess went into the cockpit and the pilot came out and went into the bathroom! And then they switched back! As for the orphans, it sounds so heartbreaking. Travel safe.